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2017 Waec Computer Studies Answer Theory And Obj – May/June Expo

1a) An input device is any hardware device that

sends data to a computer, allowing you to

interact with and control the computer. The

picture shows a Logitech trackball mouse, an

example of an input device.

1b i) key board 

     ii) The mouse

1c) i) Logic gates are digital components that

typically work two levels of voltage and

determine how a component conducts


ii) Logic gates use Boolean

equations and switch tables.


information is an analyzed or processed data, which is now

more meaningful and decisions can be made based on its

data and information is connected.

Communication technology is the activity of designing,

constructing and maintaining communication systems. In

the modern era it is referred to as ICT. This is information

and communications technology, and includes any

communication device or application such as radio and



LAN-local area network

GPS-global postioning Service.

IP-internet protocol


LAN-local area network

GPS-global postioning Service.

IP-internet protocol



RAM: is the memory available for the operating system, programs and processes to use when the computer is running.

ROM: is the memory that comes with your computer that is pre-written to hold the instructions for booting-up the computer.

RAM:requires a flow of electricity to retain data (e.g. the computer powered on).

ROM:will retain data without the flow of electricity (e.g. when computer is powered off)




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